Description of the Manta ray

The manta ray is a large cartilaginous fish that belongs to the mobulidae family. It can reach a wingspan of over 23 feet, making it one of the largest fish in the world. The manta ray has a unique appearance with a flat, wide and triangular body, two large fin lobes that look like wings and a thin tail. It is usually dark on the back and lighter on the belly. Manta rays are elegant and graceful creatures that move slowly and majestically through the water flapping their pectoral fins. They feed mainly on plankton and small fish, which they filter through their comb-like gills. They are also known for their intelligence and curiosity towards divers, and are often considered friendly and harmless animals.

When to see them?

Manta rays are present all year round in the waters around the Galapagos Islands. However, the best time to observe them is between December and May. During this period, the waters are warmer and the manta rays are more numerous and more active.

Where to observe them?

There are several places around the Galapagos Islands where you can observe manta rays while diving or snorkeling. Here are some of the best sites: Gordon Rocks: This is a dive site located about an hour by boat from Santa Cruz Island. It is one of the best places to see manta rays, as well as other marine species such as sharks, sea turtles and sea lions. Kicker Rock : This dive site consists of two imposing rock formations located at about one hour by boat from San Cristobal. Manta rays are often seen there, as well as sharks, schools of fish and sea turtles. Cape Marshall: This is a dive site located on the island of Isabela, where you can observe manta rays as well as other marine species such as sea turtles, sharks and schools of colored fish. Punta Vicente Roca: Located on the Isabela island, this dive site offers a chance to see manta rays, as well as schools of fish, sea turtles and sea lions.

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